
Make a Donation to Holy Family Parish

There are many ways that you can contribute to Holy Family Parish and support our mission to be a family of disciples who serve.

Online Giving

is available for one-time and regular contributions. It is through your generosity that our parish can continue our mission to form a family of disciples for Jesus Christ. Many parishioners are moving to automatic weekly online donations. Click the link for more details or to make a contribution.

How to Donate to our Food Pantries
Due to high food prices, donations are down, but the need has increased. Your help is appreciated! Non-perishable donations to St. Vincent DePaul may be put in the box in the ushers’ room at St. Joseph or in the gathering area at St. Peter. Non-perishable donations to Sacred Heart Food Pantry can be left in the boxes at Sacred Heart. Monetary Donations can be put in an envelope designated for Sacred Heart Food Pantry or SVdP, or by using the envelope provided in your monthly packet and placed in the collection basket. Write checks payable to “St. Vincent de Paul” or “Sacred Heart Food Pantry”. Make online donations at the following links:

Memorial Gift Fund
A memorial gift is an opportunity for you to celebrate a loved one with a grant or gift made in their honor. This is a way to support Holy Family Parish after the death of a loved one. This link can be shared with a funeral home at the time of funeral planning.

Endowment Fund
Larger donations or estates can be donated through the Holy Family Endowment Fund. This Endowment Fund was started in 2015 from the generous donation of a parishioner and is managed at the Unity Foundation of LaPorte. The Endowment is a long-term way to support the parish so that it may live out its mission to be a family of God and to form disciples who serve.  To make a donation, click on the following link:

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